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What should I do if my dog has wee-wee in house?

When you first got your own personal “man’s best friend”, you probably thought training would be easy, they would obey your every command and it wouldn’t take long to get them up to speed. But it hasn’t worked out like that. And while you love how playful and spirited your companion is, they also have an annoying tendency to pee everywhere… Especially indoors. 

But why do dogs like peeing inside? And how can you stop it?

First, ask yourself whether your dog is ready to do their business outside. 

That is, are they physiologically ready to hold in their pee? Up to the age of 4 months, puppies find it hard to stop themselves peeing as their sphincter muscle isn’t yet working properly. We know this period can seem endless, but remember that nothing lasts forever and with training (and lots of patience) your puppy will understand that pee goes outside!

How to encourage your dog to do their business outside 

Don’t be upset, but you’re the one who needs to be the most disciplined. If you know your dog just can’t hold their pee in for more than a few hours…then you need to get them outside a few times a day. 

Certain things encourage puppies to pee: 

  • Play 
  • Eating
  • Naps

So, make sure you take your puppy out right afterwards.

When they do their business outside, really congratulate them to show they’ve “been good”. It’s all about positive reinforcement: promote learning and good behaviour by rewarding and encouraging rather than forcing them to act out of fear of punishment.

What to do if you find your puppy peeing inside? 

  • First, keep calm (which is easier said than done when it’s the fifth time that day you’ve wiped up their little “presents”!). 
  • Always try to catch your puppy in the act and take them outside immediately. If you punish them afterwards, they won’t understand and you could damage your trusting bond. 
  • Wipe up the mess when the puppy’s not looking: this way, you stop it becoming a game (such a fun game!)
  • Definitely do not hit the puppy. This could make them fearful or, worse, aggressive. 

Your dog is peeing inside because they’re ill

Is your dog well-trained, perhaps with professional help, but still peeing indoors? It’s time to contact a vet to rule out any medical issues. 

Incontinence can be caused by a range of health problems, with some easily treatable like cystitis, polyps and infections. Some neurological and hormonal issues can also cause incontinence. And older dogs are more sensitive to prostate problems, which can also lead to this issue.

If you notice your dog is suddenly peeing on your carpet, despite getting frequent walks, contact a vet who can give them the once over.

Your dog is peeing inside for behavioural reasons

So, your dog’s had ultrasound, scans and blood tests. And the results say they’re in perfect health! (From a metabolic point of view!) So, they must be peeing in your living room or on your bed for behavioural reasons. If you’re struggling to control your dog, they’re barking a lot, or seem agitated, it might be worth contacting a dog behaviourist who can explore the reasons why. Have you moved house? Is there a new baby? Have you been separated, even unintentionally? Many factors can affect a dog’s behaviour.

In any case, make sure you’re a responsible owner and don’t leave them alone for too long. 

So, what are your own thoughts on the topic? Does your dog pee inside? And if they do, what are your solutions to the problem? 

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