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7 signs that suggest your dog needs a different diet

As an attentive master of the health of your faithful furball, do you wonder if his diet is really suitable for him? Whether due to a new situation, an illness or a change in his nutritional needs, it is sometimes necessary to change his diet. Dog Chef identifies for you the signs that indicate that you need to change his diet!

1. A few pounds here and there…

If you notice that your furry friend has put on a few pounds too many, keep an eye on its physical activity and diet. Keep treats outside mealtimes to a minimum or replace them with healthy snacks, such as carrots or cucumbers, which will help it feel full.

If, despite everything, your pet still has a few excess pounds, you could perhaps reduce the size of its meals or simply consider changing its diet. Before changing its food, we recommend you consult your vet, who will examine your dog and ensure that there is no medical reason for its weight gain that requires a more appropriate diet.

Did you know? Dog Chef dog foods are made up of approximately 70% water, so they offer a greater sense of fullness. Thanks to the cooked vegetables in them, they are also a good source of prebiotics, which are essential for the microbiome. But that’s not all! If you create a profile, entering all your dog’s characteristics, our powerful algorithm will draw up a diet for it and determine the quantities your furry friend needs. Then you will be sure you’re giving your pet the ideal amount and helping it lose weight.

2. Looking thinner

Weight loss is also a sign that should not be taken lightly. To rule out any underlying medical problems, visit your vet for a general examination of your pet. If your dog needs to gain weight, your vet will be able to advise you and, if necessary, adjust its nutritional plan or suggest a new diet.

Did you know? At Dog Chef, our recipes contain no poor-quality ingredients, no flavourings, colourings or preservatives. Our meals are fresh and balanced and above all naturally tasty and appealing to the most discerning palates.

3. Dry, itchy skin

Itching is usually a symptom of allergy. It is characterised by excessive scratching or skin problems. So, keep an eye on your pet to prevent it scratching too much and further damaging the skin. That could lead to hairless areas and small lesions that allow bacteria to enter the skin more easily. If the allergy is caused by a food, the only effective treatment is to remove the allergen from your dog’s diet or to give it hypoallergenic foods. But no panic! Your vet can help you to identify the food that is causing the allergy.

Did you know? Dog Chef meals have a real impact on a dog’s skin and coat. Indeed, a dog fed with Dog Chef has a healthier skin and a silkier coat thanks to OmegaMix. This food supplement is composed of fatty acids 3 and 6 which contribute strongly to the health of the coat and the skin.

Moreover, Dog Chef offers 2 delicious hypoallergenic recipes specially designed for allergic dogs: fish and duck. Which one will be your pet’s favourite?

4. A simple incompatibility

Changing the diet is sometimes necessary when the current food is not sufficiently digestible or balanced enough. This usually results in flatulence, loss of appetite, loose and smelly stools, a coat that is dull and in poor condition or even a drop in energy.

Did you know? Dog Chef meals are perfectly suited for more sensitive dogs or for fussy eaters. Our tip: heat his meal slightly in the microwave (about 35 seconds) to make it more easily digestible. We guarantee that it will only take one bite!

5. Transition to the golden years 

As our dogs age, their metabolism slows down and their nutritional needs may change. Although some dog foods are specially designed for seniors, you can also adjust your dog’s food, if it is approved for all the stages of life. It may just be a question of smaller portions, or food supplements based on salmon, fish oil, or fresh fruit or vegetables.

Another reason you need to adjust an older dog’s food is that it may have difficulty chewing. If your ball of fur eats kibble and has difficulty chewing it, ask your veterinarian for a diagnosis of your dog’s diet.

Did you know? Dog Chef is suitable for every type of profile! Whether your dog is a puppy, an adult or a senior, overweight or a poor eater, all our recipes have been developed by veterinarians specialised in canine nutrition to meet all your furry friend’s needs.

6. A new routine

Does your previously sedentary furry friend go for a morning walk now or jog a few miles with you? Then it will certainly need more fuel! On the other hand, if it has taken part in sports competitions or has done a lot of hiking and is resting at the moment, you may need to adapt its diet to its new routine. Don’t forget to consult your vet if your dog’s activity level changes, so that they can determine its dietary needs and ensure that its exercise programme poses no risks.

Did you know? Dog Chef meals contain all the essential nutrients for your dog’s metabolism to function well. All the recipes are adapted to the dog’s morphology (weight, age, body composition, activity level, sterilisation,  etc). For a perfectly healthy dog that’s full of energy!

7. Vary the pleasures!

If your dog has been eating kibble every day for years, it may be getting a little bored, so why not vary its food a little? By giving him several recipes based on different sources of proteins and other macronutrients, you expose your pet to different flavours and prevent it from becoming too fussy (very useful if its usual food is no longer available or out of stock, for example).

Remember that when you change your dog’s food it is important to do it gradually, so as not to make your pet ill.

“We take care of everything; you don’t have to do anything”. Dog Chef will cook delicious meals for your adorable pet. Once you have created its profile online, we will draw up a food plan that is perfectly suited to your furry friend. Our team will then take charge of cooking its meals and delivering these portions of happiness to your door in record time! All that’s left is for your dog to enjoy our tasty dishes.

There are a number of reasons why you might want to put your pet on a new diet. But before you do, discuss it with your vet to make sure that the new diet is absolutely right for your dog.

And you, what type of food have you opted for? Tell us all about it in the comments section.

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